48-Hour Global Buddha Vajrasattva Blessing Ceremony

25 January 2025 (Saturday) - 27 January 2025 (Monday)

2025 Dzogchen Buddha Path 48-Hour Global Buddha Vajrasattva Blessing Ceremony

Saturday, Jan 25 through Monday, Jan 27, 2025 (Taiwan)

A Purification and Blessing Ceremony of the Noble Guru Buddha Vajrasattva

Who is this ceremony for?

This ceremony is for everyone, who wants to purify their mind and energy according to methods taught by Buddha and proven valid by neuroscience (neuroplasticity reveals the brain’s capacity to rewire and enhance itself, fostering positive personal change through experiences, learning, and the powerful methods of repetition and visualization to reshape neural pathways. See works of Michael Merzenich, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Aymeric Guillot, Richard J. Davidson etc).


How does purification work for me?

First, you need to identify all the negative aspects you want to purify or change for the better. For example, mistakes (spoken or done), shortcomings of your character (short temper, self-disliking, weakness etc.), unproductive thinking patterns (procrastination, scattered mind, etc).

Second, you need to acknowledge that all these negative patterns are obstacles in your life and flexibility of the mind makes it possible for you to change them. Scientific research as well proves our brain’s ability to build more functional ways of thinking and reactions overwriting the old dysfunctional patterns. As result purifying your mind and body from:

  1. Negative character traits
  2. Draining fears and worries
  3. Energy stagnation or imbalance
  4. Traumas due to negative experiences
  5. Unnecessary guilt and shame
  6. Negative energy from others
  7. Unwholesome habits
  8. Bad karma
  9. Toxic grudges and resentments

Third, the ceremony uses powerful methods of self-empowerment, compassionate awareness,  mind training, visualization, sacred objects, mantras and mudras to help you rewire your mind and brain creating more functional patterns of thinking. 


How long is the ceremony?

This is an extended ceremony that spans 48 hours, transitioning every two hours to a different region of the world and varying languages. You can join any session throughout 48 hours, for as long as you wish.


How to attend the ceremony?

You can join by coming to a Dharma Center or from your computer at home.


Main international sessions

Please join the OPENING, MIDDLE AND CLOSING sessions, where most elaborate instructions and teachings on purification will be granted by the leading ceremony master, Bodhi Lama Tendor in English with translations to Chinese, Russian and Spanish.

Bodhi Lama Tendor teachings:

January 25 at 4:00 UTC (Universal Time Coordinated)

January 26 at 4:00 UTC

January 27 at 4:00 UTC


Regional sessions

All practice sessions last for two hours. Every session we are creating mandalas, making offerings to Buddha, receiving teachings on purification in our native language, reciting mantras and making New Year resolutions. Please check the schedule for more details on specific regional times and languages.



Registration is required and sliding-scale admission fees include all members of the household. Funds raised during the event support the Dharma activities in many countries, especially promulgation of Buddha’s teachings in Russia at this time or warring countries.


Making offerings to Buddha

Whether you are attending the ceremony or not, you are welcome to choose your offerings to Buddha here. All offerings and presents will be a part of building a real time mandala.


The Great Merit of Supporting Our Online Practices

Now, more than ever during the coronavirus pandemic, the powerfully focused Sangha practice is vital for purifying the harmful energy of negative thinking that proliferates as we face these complex problems. It also provides a means for the public to transform impermanent worldly resources into an inexhaustible source of merit. It is the aspiration of Dzogchen Shri Singha Foundation to raise $108,000 for future grand events and online programs for the benefit of all beings.

Especially for those who may not be able to attend the online Buddha Vajrasattva Blessing Ceremony, a donation made with pure intention to support its success is an extremely beneficial and worthwhile action. Those making offerings will have offerings made on their behalf during the three-day ceremony. Please consider contributing to the Buddha Vajrasattva Fund today.

Event Pricing

Due to the financial difficult times, we are offering several pricing levels. Simply choose the level that is right for you.

  • $108 Full Price (Both Days)
    $54 Full Price (One Day)
    $54 Sliding Scale (Both Days)
    $27 Sliding Scale (One Day)
    $15 Discounted Sliding Scale (One Day)
  • Offerings are not included in the entrance fee.
  • Admission includes all members of your household

As always the teachings and ceremonies themselves are offered free of charge, but it is traditional in Buddhism for the student to make an individual offering to the teacher during the event. You may voluntarily make an offering to the teacher at any time during the event. It is most auspicious to do this at the beginning or at the end of the event.

How to Register

Americas region
Asia region: please contact us
Europe region
Russia region

How to Make Offerings

You do not need to attend the event to make offerings for yourself or others. Follow this link to request your offerings.

Main Ceremony Dharma Teacher

Evgeny Tendor is a Bodhi Lama in the Dzogchen Buddha Path Lineage. He holds a Vajra Tantra Yoga Practitioner degree and has been studying Buddhism under the guidance of his teacher Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche for over 15 years, a quarter of which he spent in secluded retreats.

Bodhi Lama continuously translates Buddha Dharma, gives lectures on Buddhist teachings on a weekly basis, and leads various group retreats. As an official representative of Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche in Russia he serves as the bodhisattva leader in the region and serves as one of the international Dzogchen Buddha Path Lineage Holders.

Bodhi Lama Tendor is known for his down-to-earth and encouraging style of teaching, use of metaphors and stories, and responsive care for the students. Bodhi Lama’s aspiration is to establish tolerance, peace, and love in the minds of people of all races, and bring joyful path of positive thinking to the hearts and consciousnesses of all beings.

More about Bodhi Lama Tendor »

The Great Merit of Supporting Our Programs

Even if you will not be able to attend this event, you or anyone else you know may earn tremendous merit by supporting those in attendance. Even for an online event of this kind, there is much left to do to ensure success pave the way for future events of its kind to reach sangha all over the world.

There are three ways you can help:

  1. Offer your time and talent. Volunteer for the Buddha Vajrasattva Blessing Ceremony and get the unique benefits of joining in the activities of the Holy Vajra Master, Compassionate Noble Guru Buddha Vajrasattva, and all Buddhas. Contact the event director for information.
  2. Make offerings. You can make offerings here.
  3. Attend this virtual worldwide event. Showing up online helps to increase our accumulation power! Register now.

If you would like to help or would like more information, please contact the retreat director.

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