2021 Dzogchen Buddha Path Global Tara Event

7 May 2021 (Friday) - 10 May 2021 (Monday)

2021 Dzogchen Buddha Path Global Tara Event

An International Online Grand Blessing Ceremony
of the 10,000 Offerings to the 21 Noble Taras

Friday, May 7 through Monday, May 10, 2021
(Taipei UTC+8)

Please join H.E. Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche and the international Dzogchen Buddha Path Sangha for the Third Annual Grand Tara Drupchen. Due to the continued need for 100% Caution and 0% Fear in the face of the global pandemic, the Holy Vajra Master will conduct and broadcast this live event from Taipai, Taiwan. Practitioners and friends from around the world will attend this glorious online gathering of like-minded individuals joining together in heart, mind, voice, music, and visual splendor. Join this virtual international assembly to experience the power of love and compassion in the world.

Register Now

The 2021 Dzogchen Buddha Path Global Tara Event will commence at 1 PM on Friday, May 7, 2021 and conclude at 3 PM on Monday, May 10, 2021 (Taipei UTC+8).

The Grand Blessing Ceremony of the 10,000 Offerings to the 21 Noble Taras is a 74-hour group practice and devotion to the great compassionate victorious Mother Tara, female Buddha revered by Buddhists around the world. It is said that Tara – manifestation of Avalokiteshvara – alleviates all fear, anxiety, obstacles and dangers, helping all who call her name.

Registration is required and tickets are priced on a sliding-scale (see below).

The Great Merit of Supporting Drupchen

Now, more than ever during the coronavirus pandemic, the powerfully focused Sangha practice of drupchen is vital for purifying the harmful energy of negative thinking that proliferates as we face these complex problems. It also provides a means for the public to transform impermanent worldly resources into an inexhaustible source of merit. It is the aspiration of Dzogchen Shri Singha Foundation to raise $108,000 to build nine directional mandalas and to finance the purchase of 10,000 offerings, ritual implements, sacred clothes, musical instruments, and decorative ornaments to be utilized now and in future grand events for the benefit of all beings.

Especially for those who may not be able to attend the online Tara Drupchen, a donation made with pure intention to support its success is an extremely beneficial and worthwhile action. Those making offerings will have offerings made on their behalf during the three-day ceremony. Please consider contributing to the Tara Drupchen Fund today.

About Tara Drupchen

The Tibetan word drupchen translates literally as “Vast Accomplishment.” This extremely powerful group practice draws upon all the skillful methods of Dharma contained within the Vajrayana teachings to generate great merit and eliminate negativity of all kinds. This type of sadhana, or “means to accomplishment”, includes abundant offerings, visualizations, mantras, mudras, chanting, music, and dancing. All of these supports for positive thinking harmonize to help create a pure and sacred environment in the perception of the practitioners. It is said that the positive karma generated by several days of drupchen practice engaged with the correct intention can equal months or even years spent in solitary retreat.

~ Swift Tara Prayer from The Buddha Path, Second Edition ~

Oh great compassionate victorious Mother Tara.
May I and all sentient beings be free
from all fears, obstacles and dangers.
May I and all sentient beings
quickly attain the supreme happiness of Enlightenment.



Event Pricing

Suggested admission to the Online Tara Drupchen is $300 per person. The admission price includes entry to all three days of practice. Due to the financial impact of the pandemic, we are offering several pricing levels. Simply choose the level that is right for you.

  • Full price ticket: $300
  • Sliding scale ticket levels: $108, $150, $200, $250

Offerings are not included in the entrance fee.

As always the teachings and ceremonies themselves are offered free of charge. Fees cover the overhead costs of administering a complex international internet event. It is also traditional in Buddhism for  students and practitioners to make individual offerings to the teachers during the event. You may voluntarily make an offering to any of the teachers at any time during the event. It is most auspicious to do this at the beginning or at the end of the event.

Offering at the Tara Mandala

You do not have to attend the Tara Event to make offerings. All offerings must be requested by 8pm (Pacific) the day before. The deadline for requesting offerings is Saturday, May 8th at 8pm Pacific.

Click Here to Make Offerings

$5 – Flower – Represents the beauty of our true nature
$5 – Candle –  Increases our wisdom and the wisdom of all beings
$5 – Wealth Bhumpa – Increases and magnetizes wealth
$5 – Dharma Wheel – Request the teachings to most benefit our minds on the path to Buddha
$10 – Mandala – Offering all worldly and enlightened enjoyments to all Buddhas and all beings. This directly antidotes our ego-clinging and results in spacious and abundant feelings.
$20 – Eight Auspicious Symbols  – Aspiration to embody Buddha’s qualities of body, speech, wisdom for the benefit of all beings so that all beings become Buddha.
$25 – Seven Royal Treasures – Aspiration to embody Buddha’s enlightened activity: supreme faith, discipline, generosity, learning, self-restraint, respect for others. and understanding. We offer these enlightened qualities to this world and all worlds in order that world peace may reign.
$25 – Prayer Request – Specific requests for self or others, including healings, means to practice Dharma, auspicious partner, a new home, more work, and so on.
$85 – All-Inclusive Offerings & Prayer Request ($100 value) Includes all of the above.

Offering at the Tara Mandala is an extraordinary opportunity to set your intention to heal personally while holding your vision for world peace and health. We are all on the path to becoming Enlightened Wisdom. Here we begin to experience what that means. Your intention is essential. While participating on the Tara Global Event Zoom call, be focused and stay present with the chanting and teachings of the teacher and activities of the chödpon. Know that Buddha Tara is really receiving your offerings. The Buddhas do not need the offerings, but we do need to offer them to antidote our ego-clinging and help us generate merit. This event is for us. Enjoy the opportunity to go deep into your heart, to feel world peace, to want world peace, and to know that your intention and actions make a difference. Offer what is comfortable. Imagine you are at the mandala, wholeheartedly make the offering, and know the offering and prayer are received.

How to Register

Register Now

We encourage you to register as soon as possible. You will be emailed a link shortly before the event. Each participant must register. Links may not be shared. Register here.

For more information, visit the website at taradrupchen.org.

Please contact the Event Director at taradrupchen@gmail.com, if you have questions or issues with registration.

About the Teacher

The 2021 Dzogchen Buddha Path Global Tara Event will directed by H.E. Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche.

H.E. Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche
in the Gonpa at the Dzogchen Retreat Center

A vibrant and dynamic teacher, Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche is a 33rd-generation lineage holder of the Buddhist wisdom lineage of Dzogchen, a Lama of Dzogchen Monastery, and professor of the Dzogchen Shri Singha University. Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche has more than seven years of solitary cave meditation experience in the high Tibetan holy mountains and embodies the qualities of a realized practitioner and yogi. He is a published author of numerous Tibetan and English books, including The Buddha Path, a practice book that encompasses all of Buddha’s teachings, and which is now available in English, Chinese, Russian, and German. It is soon to be released in Nepali, Japanese, and Spanish.

More about Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche »

The Great Merit of Supporting Retreats

Even if you will not be able to attend this event, you or anyone else you know may earn tremendous merit by supporting those in attendance. Even for an online event of this kind, there is much left to do to ensure success pave the way for future events of its kind to reach sangha all over the world.

There are three ways you can help:

  1. Offer your time and talent. Volunteer for the Tara Drupchen and get the unique benefits of joining in the activities of the Holy Vajra Master, Compassionate Heroine Buddha Tara, and all Buddhas. Contact the event director for information.
  2. Offer donations. There are many building materials and supplies needed to produce this event and the infrastructure for future events. Donate now.
  3. Make offerings (you do not have to attend the event to offer. You can make offerings on behalf of others. Offering Menu
  4. Attend this virtual worldwide event. Showing up online helps to increase our accumulation power!

If you would like to help or would like more information, please contact the event director.

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