BuddhaPath & BuddhaTime Apps

Dzogchen Buddha Path Apps are Now Available

BuddhaPath App

The BuddhaPath app, featuring The Buddha Path Concise Edition is available for tablets and smartphones in the App Store and Google Play store NOW!

The Dzogchen Shri Singha Foundation is proud to announce the launch of the Dzogchen BuddhaPath app, the Swiftest Means to Enlightenment. This app provides invaluable resources to aid Dharma practitioners in their learning, contemplation, and meditation on the essence of Buddha Shakyamuni’s entire teachings.



Currently, this app offers three features:

  1. The Four Noble Truths: This text, entitled How to Knowingly Practice The Four Noble Truths of the Enlightened contains the essence of all Buddha’s teachings presented as a very concise daily recitation practice.
  2. The Buddha Path Concise Edition: The Buddha Path Concise Edition is a daily practice text containing all the Buddha’s teachings in profound and practical meditation sections: Preliminary Practice, Learning Practice, Sutra Practice, and Concluding Practice.
  3. The Buddha Path Second Edition: The Buddha Path Second Edition is the digital version of the central daily practice text first published in 2004. This text has been a vital part of all Dzgochen Buddha Path retreats and teachings. It contains all the Buddha’s teachings in profound and practical meditation sections.
  4. 108 Million Mantra Campaign: In addition to the texts, The Buddha Path app includes a meditation timer function and an easy means to participate in the 108 Million Auspicious Mantras Recitation Campaign, an international group mantra accumulation practice.

About These Sacred Texts

These Buddhist study and practice texts are part of a global effort to benefit all beings and to preserve and promulgate the Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni around the world. These texts have been translated into numerous languages including English, Tibetan, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish, German, Japanese, French, Dutch, Estonian, and Finnish.

About The 108 Million Mantra Campaign

Your recitations of these most powerful mantras can be recorded using My Daily Practice which is included in the app and added to the global mantra recitation campaign. Please report your accumulations on a daily or weekly basis. Everyone is welcome to participate in this auspicious mantra recitation campaign!

It is our goal to accumulate these mantras throughout the whole year and complete the accumulation by Chotrul Duchen, the 15th day of the 1st lunar month of the Iron Ox year, the 27th of February, 2021. We will make a special empowerment blessing for those who help to reach this goal for the benefit of all beings in this world.

To begin doing 108 Million Mantra Campaign in-app, register by selecting the “My Daily Practice” button here:  https://www.thebuddhapath.org

BuddhaTime App

The BuddhaTime app update now includes international holidays along with Buddhist Holy days. It’s available at both the Apple App Store and Google Play stores.

BuddhaTime combines a Tibetan lunar calendar with a Gregorian calendar for easy navigation of Buddhist holy days and special practice days. This includes the daily Geku address for group practice complete with daily Dharma principle reminders. The most recent update includes international holidays as well to coordinate group activities and celebrations.



About The Dzogchen Buddha Path Lineage

The BuddhaPath app was developed under the guidance of renowned Tibetan Buddhist scholar and meditation master, His Eminence Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche, for use by his thousands of international students and by anyone interested in practicing Dharma for the benefit of beings worldwide.

It is the main aspiration and project of Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche to preserve and promulgate the traditional Tibetan Buddhist system in modern society by making the Buddha’s teachings easily accessible to all who aspire to practice peace, happiness, and wisdom.

These inspiring and transformative practices are being released in 2020 to commemorate the 2,900th anniversary of the parinirvana of the Supreme Guide Buddha Shakyamuni.

For more information about the Dzogchen Buddha Path Lineage, please visit

website: www.thebuddhapath.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DzogchenKhenpoChogaRinpoche/

email: info@thebuddhapath.org

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