Positive Experiences

Please Send Your Positive Experiences

All practitioners are welcome to provide your positive experiences as a result of Buddha Path practice according to the Dzogchen Lineage. We would like to share your positive experiences on this web site for world peace and for the happiness of all sentient beings.


We request you to sincerely and logically write down positive experiences of yourself or others as a result of Buddha Path practice according to the Dzogchen Lineage.


Through the Buddha Path practice:

  • How your negative thinking, negative conduct, and suffering have decreased
  • How your positive thinking, positive conduct, peace and happiness have increased

Suggested Topics

A. Scientific research or special ideas for creating world peace:

  1. How you or others have remembered previous lives
  2. How you or others have had miraculous experiences
  3. Through scientific research how you have discovered the ways positive thinking and negative thinking work
  4. Through scientific research how you have discovered the connection between your thinking , elements, and space
  5. Your ideas for techniques or technologies to create world peace and happiness
  6. How to spiritually care for a child
  7. How to guide teenagers on a positive thinking and conduct
  8. How animals or pets have had special positive experiences
  9. How you or others have prevented violence
  10. Special advice for improving health
  11. Special techniques for protecting the environment

B. Through the Buddha Path practice:

  1. How it has benefited your mind
  2. How it has benefited your health
  3. How it has benefited your family members
  4. How it has increased healing power
  5. How it has benefited other beings
  6. How it has benefited animals
  7. How it has benefited the environment
  8. How it has benefited world peace
  9. How it has benefited you in this life and the next life

C. Through the Buddha Path practice:

  1. How it has helped you to overcome anger
  2. How it has helped you to overcome jealousy
  3. How it has helped you to overcome worry
  4. How it has helped you to overcome fear
  5. How it has helped you to overcome disease
  6. How it has helped you to overcome obstacles
  7. How it has helped you to overcome depression
  8. How it has helped you to overcome difficult times

D. Intelligent compassion:

  1. How to maintain right livlihood
  2. How to communicate positively
  3. How to succeed in your career
  4. How to make a business successful
  5. How to find the right companions
  6. How to maintain a Dharma organization
  7. How social relationships can be improved
  8. How to increase virtuous radio or television programming

How to Send Your Story

  • Please send your full name, gender, and nationality
  • How long you have been practicing Buddhism
  • Include when, where and how you had a positive experience
  • Write clearly and logically
  • Provide some related photos if available
  • Maximum length is 3 pages

Email your story to one of following email addresses:

Women’s positive experiences: women@dzogchenlineage.org

Men’s positive experiences: men@dzogchenlineage.org

Teenagers’ positive experiences: teenagers@dzogchenlineage.org

Children positive experiences: children@dzogchenlineage.org

Animals’ positive experience: animals@dzogchenlineage.org


A 15-member Dzogchen Shri Singha practitioner commitee will vote to select the submissions that will be posted to the web site. If 75% of the practitioner committee approve your submission, then we will edit and post it to the web site in the “Positive Experiences” and “Dharma Practitioner” sections. Even if your submission does not get selected, there is no need to worry. It is more important for you to do more practice to increase your positive thinking, conduct and joyfully maintain Buddha in your mind.

We rejoice in your positive experiences!
Thank you for sharing them with the world.

For more information, please visit contact information.

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