Padma Dorje Tso

ming-1Ming-Yuan Huang, Padma Dorje Tso, was born in Taiwan and now lives in Vancouver, Canada. She had attended six months internship in 2008, after that she also accomplished several month-long internships and will continue attending the internships in the future. In 2014 Ming-Yuan received Accreditation Title: Vajrayana Student and now is henceforth an authorized Buddha Path Teacher.

In 1996, Ming-Yuan got her master degree of Landscape Architecture in University of Colorado at Denver and then worked in the environment design field for nearly 10 years which she thought was the best way to benefit all beings by providing a nice design enrollment. In 2003 she lost her job due to economic depression, since then she started learning Buddhism in Fo Guang Shan, the Mahayana Buddhist temple in Denver, Colorado where helped me to enhance the foundation of Sutra practice.

In 2005, she met his Eminence Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche. Ming-Yuan was totally amazed by Khenpo’s teaching in the wisdom of emptiness, reincarnation, power of thinking and karma, etc., the fundamental Buddhism. To her, Khenpo’s teaching is like opening a new door to get enlighten and show her a clear path to become Buddha, which now is her ultimate goal as she believes that is the best way to help all beings to be free from suffering and to have true happiness.

ming-2Therefore, Ming-Yuan’s aspiration is to be a Dharma teacher with her artistic talent and skillful means to help all beings. Compare with being a landscape architect who only can change the outside surrounding elements, being a Dharma teacher is more meaningful and powerful that can change the inner cause of ourselves for happiness. Now Ming-Yuan is the secretary of Dzogchen Shri Singha Dharma Society Vancouver, Canada and also gives Dharma teaching in this center.


Dzogchen Shri Singha Dharma Society Vancouver, Canada

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