2021 Dzogchen Buddha Path Sacred Arts Competition

23 October 2021 (Saturday) - 24 October 2021 (Sunday)


The 2021 Dzogchen Buddha Path Sacred Arts Competition

Saturday and Sunday, October 23 & 24, 11:00am to 2:00pm (Taiwan )
Friday and Saturday, October 22 & 23, 8:00 to 11:00pm (PDT)

Join the International Dzogchen Buddha Path Sangha and the Holy Vajra Master in celebration of this second annual Sacred Arts Competition and Dzogchen Buddha Path Youth Art Presentation!

Event Schedule
Day 1: Saturday October 23rd, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm (Taiwan)
Event: Selecting finalists for the best song, music, poetry, art, and photography

Day 2: Sunday October 24th, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm (Taiwan)
Event: Announcement and Award Celebration for winners of best song, music, poetry, art, and photography

We encourage all Sangha to enter their own original pieces of sacred music, poetry, or work of art.

Registration: Click Here

Submission Guidelines

General Guidelines

  • All submissions must express fundamental principles of the Dzogchen Buddha Path.
  • Each artist may submit 1 piece from 2 of the 5 categories: song, music, poetry, art, or photography, for a total of 2 submissions. The committee will not review more than two pieces from any one artist.
  • Using a fair process, regional Dzogchen Buddha Path Sacred Arts Committees select up to 5 of the best artists in each category from their region.

Guidelines for Size of Arts

  • Songs and music must be a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 4 minutes long. 
Note: Songs and music that are longer than 4 minutes will not be reviewed.
  • Poetry must be 1 verse minimum, not more than 180 words, and must not take more than 3 minutes to read at normal speed. Poetry longer than 3 minutes will not be reviewed.
  • Visual art submissions may not be more than one page or have multiple pieces.
  • Live performances are not suitable due to technical issues, time, and circumstances.
  • All songs, music, and poetry readings must be submitted in mp3 or mp4 format or uploaded to YouTube.
  • Paintings, photographs, and other digital art must be submitted as jpg or pdf, or as mp4 or uploaded to YouTube.
  • Music, including songs or instrumental piece, must acknowledge the use of any and all original material from another artist or source. Please note: there will be a deduction of points for using borrowed material.

The deadline for submissions is October 9th, 10pm (Taipei).

To submit a piece for this competition, please contact your regional director:

North America: Dharma Acharya Joe Evans
Asia: Dharma Acharya Peirung Ma
Russia: Dharma Acharya Elena Komarova
Europe: Bodhi Lama Rita Pichlhoefer

Competition Prizes
To encourage our artists, the International Dzogchen Buddha Path Sacred Arts Committee will grant the following prizes in each of the three categories of song, music, and art. Except for the top three in each category, all top ten winners receive a prize of $25 value to redeem for event credit or holy objects. Note: all amounts are in US currency.

First Prize – $360 total value

  • $120 event credit
  • $120 holy object
  • $120 cash

Second Prize – $210 total value

  • $70 event credit
  • $70 holy object
  • $70 cash

Third Prize – $120 total value

  • $40 event credit
  • $40 holy object
  • $40 cash

In addition, the top three prize winners in each category will receive a gold, silver, or bronze Certificate of Recognition of Dzogchen Buddha Path Amazing Artist from the International Dzogchen Buddha Path Sacred Arts Committee.

Children’s Art
Both days of the event will also feature children’s art pieces, including voice, instruments, poetry, and visual art. Please encourage the Sangha children to participate in this fun event and to share their talents with us! There will be no judging for children’s art pieces.

Youth Prizes

  • First Prize – $150 value (redeemable for event credit, holy objects, or cash)
  • Second Prize – $80 value (redeemable for event credit, holy objects, or cash)
  • Third Prize – $40 value (redeemable for event credit, holy objects, or cash)
  • Except for the top three in each category, all top ten winners receive a prize of $15 value that can be redeemed for cash or event credit.

Fundraising Goal
Our fundraising goal of $8,000 will create a prize fund which encourages our winners to continue their learning and progress in their art knowledge. In this way, our Dzogchen Buddha Path artists will embody the principles of the Dzogchen Lineage in art, for the enjoyment of all and the creation of immeasurable good karma for all

More Information
For More Information contact:

Dharma Acharya Mari Evans
International Director
2021 Dzogchen Buddha Path Sacred Arts Competition


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