2021 Global Padmasambhava Blessing Ceremony

12 November 2021 (Friday) - 15 November 2021 (Monday)

2021 Global Padmasambhava Blessing Ceremony

Friday, Nov. 12, 12:00 pm  – Monday, Nov. 15, 2:00 pm
(Taipei Taiwan)


Please join H.E. Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche and the international Dzogchen Buddha Path Sangha for this special Online Global Padmasambhava Blessing Ceremony.

This year due to the need for 100% Caution and 0% Fear in the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Holy Vajra Master will be conducting and broadcasting this live event from Taiwan. Practitioners and friends from around the world will attend this glorious 72-hour continuous online gathering of like-minded individuals joining together in heart, mind, voice, music, and visual splendor. Join this virtual international assembly to experience the powerful healing blessings of Guru Rinpoche in this world.

The 72-Hour Nonstop Worldwide Prayer and Blessing Ceremony of Guru Padmasambhava is a three-day group practice and blessing ceremony to invoke the great compassion and power of Guru Rinpoche, mighty emanation of Buddha Shakyamuni and most powerful Buddha for our modern era.

2900 years ago, according to ordinary beings’ perception, Buddha Shakyamuni passed away at 80 years of age. According to enlightened beings, Buddha Shakyamuni transformed into Great Rainbow Body, not born form human being but arising from a lotus, “Padma Sambhava,” beyond birth, death, sickness, beyond human culture, beyond everything.

Guru Buddha Padmasambhava is the embodiment of all Result Buddhas. Each and every Buddha has become one, wrathful yet peaceful. Powerful and pervasive. Padmasambhava is Buddha Shakyamuni, specially customized. Until samsara is empty, until all beings become Buddha, Padmasambhava will vajraly exist to help the beings of this world.

Therefore, we need to pray to Padmasambhava, most powerful of all Buddhas. Now during these times of pandemic, fear, obstacles and strife, we need the supreme blessings of Guru Rinpoche

All Are Welcome

We aspire that all wise-minded individuals join this wonderful online event to experience loving hearts, healing chants, Sangha songs, Dharma music, elaborate offerings, and magnificent mandalas. This practice is a unique and extraordinary opportunity to celebrate and actualize the innate blissful wisdom qualities of our Buddha Nature.

This rare virtual event will be broadcast online as a webinar. You must register to have access and receive the link for participation. For more information and registration, visit Global Padmasambhava Registration Page

The suggested ticket price for the full three day entry is $225, but we are offering several options on a sliding scale for those who have been financially impacted by the pandemic. Each ticket is valid for whole household. Fair market value of ticket is $225.

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