Dzogchen Buddha Path Donation Portal
Welcome and thank you for finding this page! Your generosity has helped you land here. All Buddhas and virtuous beings rejoice in your good thinking and dharma heart. We, the members of the Fundraising Committee of Dzogchen Shri Singha Foundation, are here to help guide you through the many giving opportunities. Please continue scrolling to find links to many beneficial offering opportunities.
Today you can make a recurring or one-time donation to the Foundation, to a regional retreat center or to a special project that interests you. Simply follow the links below to get your donation to the right place. Many of these links provide detailed information and payment steps.
For more information, contact our Development Officers, Bodhi Lama Sean Young or Bodhi Lama Carrie Ure
Support Our Mission Through a General Donation
Dzogchen Shri Singha Foundation (DSSF)
DSSF is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated in 2001 and committed to the achievement of world peace though the preservation of the ancient and unbroken Dzogchen Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. It was founded to assist His Eminence Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche, a 33rd generation Dzogchen Lineage Holder, in the transmission of the authentic teachings of the Dzogchen Lineage to the West. A donation to the Foundation goes to the general fund where it can be directed to our most critical needs.
Click the link above and choose “Unrestricted Giving” or “Monthly Foundation Support.”
Board of Directors and Corporate Members Support
For our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization board members, this page is designed specifically for your member dues, which can be collected monthly, quarterly, or annually by following the link above.
Support Our Retreat Centers
Dzogchen Retreat Center USA (DRC)
The DRC is the excellent Dharma base founded in 2006 and located on 160 pristine acres near Eugene, Oregon. Here students from around the world gather each year to perpetuate Buddha Shakyamuni’s unbroken summer retreat tradition and to train as teachers in the Dzogchen Buddha Path Lineage.
Click on the link above and choose “Dzogchen Retreat Center Capital Campaign.”
Dzogchen Retreat Center Europe (DRCE)
This beautiful and serene center in the mountains of lower Austria was founded in 2020 as a retreat and gathering place for our European Sangha and retreatants from around the world.
Click on the link above to offer via PayPal or direct bank transfer.
Support Our 72-Hour Global Prayer Events
Global Vajrasattva Event
This continual 72 hour ceremony and Vajrasattva practice is held annually in January. Dates and link coming soon!
Global Tara Event
This 72 hour prayer and offering ceremony to Noble Arya Tara is held annually in May. Dates and link coming soon!
This 72 hour of healing and offering ceremony to Medicine Buddha is held annually in September. 2023 dates and link coming soon!
Global Padmasambhava Event
This 72 hour of blessing and prayer ceremony to Buddha Padmasambhava is held annually in November. Dates and link coming soon!
Support Our Dharma Education Events
Great Miracle Event
This annual Dzogchen Buddha Path Fifteen Great Miracles Aspiration Teaching and Practice Program is conducted by the Holy Vajra Master His Eminence Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche, along with the International Dzogchen Buddha Path Dharma Teachers and Sangha, and honors the great miracles of Our Supreme Guide Buddha Shakyamuni. Participants may join for one or multiple days. Dates and link coming soon!
Saga Dawa Event
Each year to honor and celebrate our Supreme Guide Buddha Shakyamuni, our kind beneficent teacher, His Eminence Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche and the International Dzogchen Buddha Path Dharma Teachers and Sangha, conduct a Dzogchen Buddha Path Saga Dawa Duchen Internet Teaching and Practice Program on the birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana of our Supreme Guide Buddha Shakyamuni. Dates and link coming soon!
The Dzogchen Buddha Path Sacred Arts Competition, founded in 2020 and held each year in November, honors and celebrates the expression of Buddhist principles through song, music, art, and poetry. Submissions are accepted and judged by region and winners are honored during a two-day event on Buddha’s Mother’s Day.
This conference is the fulfillment of a long-time aspiration of His Eminence Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche to unite Buddhist principles with valid scientific knowledge in order to help improve our lives and future generations. Annually since 2018, the Dzogchen Shri Singha Foundation has hosted this two-day scientific, religious, and philosophical discussion and conference, in person and virtually on Zoom. Dates and link coming soon!
Internet Teaching & Training Program
The Dzogchen Buddha Path Internet Teaching and Training Program is a vibrant and unique experience that combines state-of-the-art technology and the time-tested Buddhist tradition of learning, contemplation, and meditation to enlighten the hearts and minds of Dharma practitioners. This one-of-a-kind international program, taught by H.E. Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche and the International Dzogchen Buddha Path Dharma Teachers, is suitable for all levels of students who have a sincere wish to learn and practice The Buddha Path. Dates and link coming soon!
Support Our Foundation Programs
One Path Outreach is a humanitarian relief program founded in 2015 to provide health care, education, and basic necessities to the remote villages of Eastern Tibet. This U.S. based program provides immediate relief to the people of Tibet through voluntary clinical care and basic supplies and helps promote long-term improvement in access to healthcare by collaborating with local communities to create systemic change.
Support Our Dharma Centers
A long-standing dharma center established in 2004-2005, with a reach as far as Nevada, California and Washington states, the Boise Dharma Center focuses on creating a joyful community and strong Sangha support. It has been the organizing dharma center in charge of the annual Boise Buddhist Celebration.
Members from Jefferson, Deschutes and Crook Counties in beautiful Central Oregon have been gathering twice a month since 2010. Additionally, the center’s online teachings draw from all over the U.S., Canada, and Europe. The dharma center has enjoyed annual weekend retreats with visiting and local teachers since 2014.
Established in 2003 with the instrumental help of Bodhi Lama Kunzang, the Dharma Center is blessed with being in close proximity to the Dzogchen Retreat Center (DRC). In addition to being a great source of support to the DRC, the center has organized and hosted Sangha Unity events and public teachings with numerous qualified Dharma teachers. They have also provided support to the community in times of critical need such as during area wildfires.
Description coming soon.
Latin America Dharma Center
Established in 2018 and based in Argentina, the Latin America Dharma Center has participants from Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, and Mexico. The center hosted Bodhi Lama Lao Kin for a retreat in 2019, and is actively engaged in many virtuous activities including language translation of The Buddha Path text. Argentine donors may use the following account for direct bank transfers: Silvina Fernandez – Banco Francés Account # 0170011440000032242030
Los Angeles Dharma Center
Starting in 2004-2005, Los Angeles became a site of regular visits and teachings from His Eminence Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche. In 2016, The LA Dharma Center was established and began hosting many annual public teachings featuring Bodhi Lama Kunzang. The center boasts a culturally diverse sangha, with members from Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Honduras and the U.S. Many sangha members have a performing arts background, enabling them to contribute excellent theatrical programming to the Buddha Path internet programs. Payment links coming soon.
Our newest Dzogchen Buddha Path Dharma Center is in the Big Apple. DSS-NY was begun in 2020 during the beginning of the pandemic to support Rinpoche’s online activities with an East Coast mandala. Slowly, the center is growing and starting to reflect the energy and diversity of the Five Boroughs. The center holds weekly in-person teachings in Harlem as well as virtually via Zoom. Our 2023 aspiration is to establish a permanent physical space and to be the best condition possible for anyone in the Eastern timezone to learn, contemplate and meditate on dharma.
The Orange County Dharma Center hosts monthly full moon and new moon meditations, along with dharma teachings and unique dharma Q&A sessions for students from all over the U.S. and Europe. The center is well known in its community for its extensive volunteer work. A Science of Happiness class will be offered soon.
The Port Angeles Dharma Center was established in September 2010 as a Dharma practice group dedicated to following the The Buddha Path, composed by H.E. Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche, which contains the essence of all of Buddhas teachings in a highly accessible form. The Port Angeles Dharma Center’s mission is to spread authentic Buddhist teachings and provide auspicious conditions for learning, contemplation and meditation on the Olympic Peninsula.
The Portland Dharma Center (Dzogchen Shri Singha of Portland) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 2004 with the mission of supporting H.E. Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche’s enlightened Dharma activities in the Pacific Northwest. The PDC has been an active member of the greater Portland Buddhist community, offering many teachings per month, both online and in-person, and providing many other community services. Donors may visit our donation site or use PayPal.
The Salt Lake City Dharma Center (Dzogchen Shri Singha Salt Lake City) offers classes, practice sessions, teachings and retreats on Buddhism. The main focus is increasing positive thinking such as love and compassion, both on the cushion and in everyday life. Donors may visit our donation site or use PayPal.
Canada’s only Dzogchen Buddha Path Dharma Center was established in 2010. The center warmly welcomes a wide range of cultures, with Dharma practice held in both Cantonese and English. Some sangha members also speak Mandarin. The center is very active in international Dharma events such as the Dzogchen Buddha Path Buddhism and Science Conference and boasts winners in the Buddha Path Sacred Arts Competition for 2 years in a row. Canadian donors may use the following account for direct bank transfers: Dzogchen Shri Singha Dharma Society Vancouver – Royal Bank Account # 003-03880-1011113
Dharma Center Websites & Contact Information
Our local dharma centers in four regions – Asia, Europe, Russia and the Americas – represent the life-blood of our international network of organizations. Below you will find contact information for our centers located in North and South America. Please reach out directly for more information about how to join a Dzogchen Buddha Path teaching or practice virtually or in-person in your area.
Boise – boisedharmacenter@gmail.com
Central Oregon – dzogchenbend@gmail.com
Eugene – kerrie.bishop@thebuddhapath.org
Las Vegas – dzogchenlasvegas@gmail.com
Latin America – mila.maren@thebuddhapath.org
Los Angeles – mila.maren@thebuddhapath.org
New York – michael.tarris@thebuddhapath.org
Orange County – dawn.kryder@thebuddhapath.org
Port Angeles – devan.miller@thebuddhapath.org
Portland – pdx.dzogchen@gmail.com
Salt Lake City – saltlakebuddhapath@gmail.com
Seattle – tracey.stover@thebuddhapath.org
Vancouver – dzogchenvancouver@gmail.com
Support Our Individual Teachers
Following in the revered tradition of Buddha Shakyamuni, our Dzogchen Buddha Path teachers do not charge for their teachings, but depend on the generosity of their students for their livelihood. It is traditional to give dana or generosity offerings when receiving precious Dharma teachings.
H.E. Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche
Bodhi Lama Orgyen Zangpo (Kunzang)
Thank you!
Generosity is renowned as the the root of abundance,
the first of the Six Paramitas,
the second of the Seven Branch Methods
of Accumulating Merit,
and one of the causes of a precious human life.
We are sincerely grateful for your support!