Great Seeing Liberation Buddha Images

Dzogchen Buddha Path Lineage


Announcing the Great Seeing Liberation Buddha
(Dharma Chakra Day — August, 8th, 2024)

The Dzogchen Buddha Path International Association for the Dissemination of the Sacred Dharma Arts is honored to announce the auspicious printing of two Great Seeing Liberation Buddha Images in celebration of the 2,900th birthday Guru Padmasambhava, the Great Rainbow Body of Our Supreme Guide Buddha Shakyamuni, in 2024.

These sacred thangka paintings are titled “The Great Sacred Seeing Liberation Image of the Supreme Guide, 
the Mighty Compassionate Buddha Shakyamuni, Renowned as Omni-Pervasive Wisdom Light Rays,” 
and “The Great Sacred Seeing Liberation Image of the Embodiment of all Buddhas, Lord of All Phenomena, Guru Padmasambhava, Renowned as Spontaneous Accomplishment of 
Benefit for all Beings.”

Great Seeing Liberation Buddha Image
Großes, durch sehen befreiendes Buddha Bild
Imagen de Buda: La Gran Liberación por medio del ver
Великоосвобождающее видением изображение Будды

Great Seeing Liberation Padmasambhava Image
Großes, durch sehen befreiendes Padmasambhava Bild
Imagen de Padmasambhava: La Gran Liberación por medio del ver
Великоосвобождающее видением изображение Падмасамбхавы

Both of the sacred images faithfully adhere to the authentic guidelines for thangkas described in the sutras, tantras, and shastras. 
These precious thangka paintings were created under the esteemed direction of Great Buddhist Master 
Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche by the principal artist, Bodhi Lama Khandro Padma Wongmo, Amanda Simons, 
along with a team of skilled painters from around the globe. The work took more than a decade to complete. The complete image consists of three parts. First, the sacred Buddha image itself. Second, the back of the printed image, which is an extensive text description including mantras, mandalas, prayers, sadhana, dedication, and aspirations. Third, a concise text description of usage and information about this sacred image.

These Great Seeing Liberation Buddha Images are the perfect sacred support for visualizing and meditating on the Supreme Guide, Buddha Shakyamuni and the Embodiment of All Buddhas, Guru Padmasambhava. By focusing on these Buddha images with faith and devotion, a Dharma practitioner can swiftly increase their positive thinking and receive the blessings of all Buddhas. They are also the excellent holy objects for taking refuge in the Three Supreme Jewels and the Three Supreme Roots. Moreover, visualizing Buddha according to the details of these sacred images is the supreme support for arousing the pure intention of precious bodhicitta and establishing pure perception in present moment thinking.

**USAGE RIGHTS: The images on this page are made available to be directly downloaded for personal use under Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs). This license allows anyone to download the images and freely distribute them unaltered to others as long as credit is given to the creator – Dzogchen Buddha Path International.Any and all commercial use of these images including, but not limited to, reproduction, distribution, sale or public display is strictly prohibited by the creator.

For those who want to learn how to properly use these images for visualization and meditation practice please download The Buddha Path App.

For those interested in either sponsoring the printing of high resolution copies of these sacred images for free distribution or acquiring a high resolution file for printing these sacred images for free distribution please contact the creator at

**NOTE: There will be more high quality sacred images of various Buddhas made available in different sizes and styles. For anyone interested in viewing and acquiring these additional precious thangka paintings please visit

How to properly practice with these great seeing liberation Buddha images

Whenever visualizing and praying to Buddha joyfully rely on and implement the following Five Principles of Powerful Meditation from The Dzogchen Buddha Path:

  1. Generate the pure intention of Enlightenment
    — the unerring direction of practice.
  2. Clearly visualize the luminous body of Buddha
    —the holy inner environment of practice.
  3. Recite the powerful mantra “Namo Buddhaya”
    —the great force and augmentation of practice.
  4. Adhere to perfect Mudra, or meditation posture
    —to provide the sublime condition of practice.
  5. Maintain correct meditation upon the Buddha with faith and awareness
    —the profound meditation of Vast Awakening.

Secret Supernatural Power

Unconditional Rejoicing in the Virtue of the Three Times

I deeply rejoice in all my good intentions,
good actions, and good practice.
I deeply rejoice in the merit and happiness
of every single sentient being.
I deeply rejoice in the past, present, and
future compassion, wisdom, and activities
of all enlightened beings and all Buddhas.

I am never jealous. I always rejoice in all happiness.
I am never jealous. I always rejoice in all merit.
I sincerely rejoice. I really rejoice. I always rejoice.

May all my rejoicings be excellent, like the love of Maitreya.
May all my rejoicings be actualized, like the power of Arya Tara.

~ Mantra For Multiplying Recitations ~
Om Duru Duru Dzaye Mukhe Swoha
(Recite this mantra three times to multiply
the power of your recitation and merit.)


Great Wholesome Dedication

Namo Buddhaya
For the True Happiness of all beings,
I will swiftly become Buddha in this very life.
Therefore, just as all Buddhas and bodhisattvas dedicate,
I joyfully dedicate all merit for every being
to attain unsurpassable enlightenment.

I especially dedicate all merit for the Dzogchen Buddha Path system to
gloriously prevail and auspiciously flourish at all times and in all directions.
May all my dedications be pure like the wisdom of Manjushri.
May all my dedications be fulfilled like the aspirations of Samantabhadra.
Dzaya Dzaya Sudzaya!


Precious Aspiration of the Root and Lineage Masters 

ཀུན་བཟང་རྡོ་རྗེ་འཆང་ཆེན་མན་ཆད་ནས། །
Künzang dorje chang chen men Chèd nay
From Buddha Samantabhadra and Great Vajradhara,

Drin chen tsa way lama yen che chyï
down to my own kindest Root Guru,

Dro way dön du mön lam gang tab pa
whatever aspirations you have made for beings,

De dag Tham che dag gï drub par shog
may I swiftly accomplish all these sacred goals.


Aspiration of Sugatas Along with Progeny 

de Sheg say chay kun jyi thug chyèd dang
All Sugatas and enlightened progeny,
whatever sacred strength of your intentions,

dze pa mön lam chyen tse nü pai tsal
activities, aspirations, knowledge, love, power,

la mèd ye shï jyu thrul chi dra wa
and unsurpassable wisdom miracle manifestations,

de dra kho nar dag sog jyor jyur chig
may we swiftly achieve exactly that in this very life.

(This stanza is by Mipham Rinpoche.)


Profound Aspiration for the Glorious Dzogchen Buddha Path System to be Promulgated and Perpetuated
at all Times and in all Directions

Dro Kün dig dug kün lay drol dzèd ching
May that which liberates all beings from sufferings and negativities

De ge Tham chèd nyur du thob dzèd pai
and swiftly establishes all happiness and virtue,

Say chay jyal Wai sang chen lam chig pu
the single great secret path of all Victors and enlightened ones,

Pal den dzog chen sang jye lam lug di
the glorious Dzogchen Buddha Path System,

ཕྱོགས་དུས་ཀུན་དུ་དར་ཞིང་རྒྱས་པར་ཤོག །
shyog dü kün du dar zhing jye par shog
be promulgated and perpetuated at all times and in all directions.

Sarwa Mangalam!

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